Fortnite Flag Story

Funny little story about this so called flag art and how it was made. My grandson who was 10 yrs. old was out riding his bike one day while I was working on flags in my shop. He rode up to me, looked at what I was doing and said, that’s really nice, you need to make a flag for me so I can put it in my room. Now I make several different flags so I asked him which flag he would like for his room. He looked around at all the different flags and then looked back at me and said I would like a “Fortnite Flag” and off he went playing with the neighborhood kids. The look on my face had to be priceless, because I was lost for words as I watched him walk away. In my mind I was thinking what the hell is a Fortnite flag. So to the internet I went and started doing a search for Fortnite flags. I wasn’t finding any flags so I asked my Grandson just what he had in mind for this flag. He pulled up this image and said he would like this flag. As I looked at this image I just kept saying in my head that this was not a flag but more of an art piece. But I was up for a challenge.

So off to the shop I headed in search of spray paint, brushes and epoxy resin to build a Fortnite flag. His favorite color is blue so I wanted to use it where ever I could. So a Fortnite floating island in space with a blue plant was born. My grandson loves his flag and thinks I should make a million of them and sell them to all the Fortnite players out in the world. I laughed and said that this was a special one of kind flag just for him. I’m now doing epoxy abstract art because of this flag


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